6 Ways We Make Exercising Harder Plus Solutions

We have all been there; you decide to keep fit and start exercising or hit the gym (psyched up) for a few days, only for the fire to start burning out. No matter how well your plan or motivation to exercise is, sticking to an exercise program can be challenging, especially with distractions all over. Many people start exercising with all the right intentions, only for certain things in life, such as illnesses, family, work, or bad hair days to derail them. Most of us will subconsciously start postponing that exercise or gym sessions to a later date and make all manner of excuses for not doing it.

Here are some of the excuses and reasons many people make for not sticking to their exercise routine and possible solutions. Some of the reasons most people fail to stick to their exercise routine are because their workouts don’t fit their current lifestyle, they are in pain, and they do not have a balanced workout routine. This article will outline and discuss the top six excuses or reasons and possible fixes for the same.


        1. Trying To Make Up For Lost Time

The first mistake most people make is starting with a high-intensity seven-day workout routine (to lose weight), something that their body isn’t capable or ready for. Although the body may persevere, most people will have an unrealistic expectation of shedding off most of their weight within a week. The best way to approach this is to start with lighter, low-intensity workouts, then advance slowly but with realistic expectations.

Most people will start a workout routine, abandon it for several years, then will want to come back to continue where they left off. Although you might feel fit for such workouts, your body might not be able to keep up, increasing the likelihood of burning out within the first few trials or, even worse, getting an injury; you might have been able to exercise for two hours straight or run ten miles per day five years ago, but the chances are that you won’t come close if you tried. One way to avoid such would be to acknowledge your age and start workouts from there. Although you might be looking at fast results within a short period, this will be impossible if you cannot exercise at all. Take on workouts that your body can handle comfortably without risking an injury.


        2. Your Workouts Don’t Fit Your Lifestyle

Another reason most people quit exercising is that most fitness and weight loss programs recommend exercising for at least one hour every day. The problem with this is that many of us do not have the energy, time, or conditioning to work out for an hour daily, hence skipping workouts altogether. To most of us, working out for shorter periods won’t be effective and is a waste of time, too. The solution for this is relatively simple; create a workout routine that works best for you. Ask yourself questions first before doing this, like how much energy you have and how many days

you’d be able to exercise. It is safe to understand that no week is the same and that there will be times that you will feel more energetic and not so much on some days. Identify and choose days you are confident that you’ll have time to exercise, then fix your workout routine, and avoid allocating lots of time for workouts when you already know that it won’t be possible. It’s better to want to extend a workout routine at that moment than create more time for the same, only to fail altogether; if all you have are ten minutes per day, you should make them count by identifying the right workout exercises for optimal performance.


        3. You Don’t Like Your Workouts

Workouts that you don’t like or enjoy can also be a reason for not wanting to exercise at all. Sadly, most weight loss workout programs out there aren’t as enjoyable as most of us would like and aren’t meant for everyone; just because a workout plan worked for your friend, this doesn’t mean that it will work for you. One popular misconception about these workout plans is that they can work for all. This is further from the truth; you need to identify a program or workout plan that your body can handle and something that you will like at the end. A little experimentation may be required to ascertain whether an exercise set is good for you or not.

You can, however, overcome this by finding exercises you will enjoy. The trick is to incorporate and mix exercises you find fun and enjoyable. If structured exercises seem too dull for you, you could then try a fun sport, such as basketball, tennis, volleyball, and such. Consider engaging in activities that count as exercises as well, such as squats and lunges while working in the garden, running up and down the stairs, or raking the yard more rigorously. If social exercise is your thing, try joining a fitness class, running or walking club, or finding a friend you can be working out with; boot camps and circuit training are other options you can try to make workout programs fun and effective.


        4. You’re In Pain

Pain can also be a reason you cannot continue with a workout program. Some conditions such as arthritis, lower back pain, injuries, soreness, and headaches can make exercising quite a chore and challenge. Most people are also afraid that engaging in intense exercises might make their pain unbearable or worse. While it wouldn’t be advisable to engage in strenuous activities if you have an injury, some exercises could come in handy and boost healing in some conditions.

The best way to deal with such a situation is to consult your physician first. While many people want to avoid this, consulting with your physician can help. Whether dealing with an injury or a painful condition, your doctor will advise if you can engage in physical activities and what exercises to try or avoid for the best results. Physical therapy is one of the oldest forms of treatment for a myriad of painful conditions and could be helpful in your case, too.


        5. You Don’t Have A Balanced Routine

Inability to find balance with your workout routine can also be the reason you don’t find exercising fun anymore. Your workout routine doesn’t necessarily have to revolve around the big three routines (cardio, stretching, and strength training); these three are essential, but you still should balance workouts with your body, energy levels, and schedule. Forcing an unmanageable schedule or workout, especially when your body isn’t responsive, will only make you want to quit. The key here is to find and practice more balance in your workouts; you need to find the right balance between interval workouts and high-intensity and circuit training, especially if looking to lose weight and burn more calories. Overdo it, and you will be heading straight to frequent burnouts, overtraining, and an increased risk of injury, all recipes for disaster (or quitting in this case).

Consider variations of diverse workouts at different intervals and cross-training with other exercises and activities to enable the mind, body, and energy systems to recover. You’ll also need to learn to balance exercise with life as well. There are times when you have to attend to other aspects of life, such as your dog, your health, or even a demanding boss. You don’t have to quit your workout routine because you have a cold or because your boss requires you to clock in more time. Find ways to slide exercise in your daily routine, such as taking the stairs or going for a short walk during lunch break.


        6. Not Considering Your Physical Condition

Your physical condition is another aspect you need to consider before engaging in a high-intensity workout program. You might want to be extra careful. Take it slow if looking to do a lower body workout with sore hips or if you have arthritis.

You not only need to be open-minded but also be flexible enough to know and understand what your body needs. If the previous workout left your muscles sore and painful, you might want to take on lighter workouts. Spend more time stretching without overdoing anything.


Sticking to an exercise program isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Even the most talented athletes and committed individuals find it hard to stay on track all the time, as they often have to take care of other things and issues, including illnesses, family, work, and days when their body doesn’t want to respond. However, just because it isn’t easy, that doesn’t mean that you should quit your exercise routine.

It’s ok to hit a pause once in a while to attend to emergencies. But remember to create time for exercise, even if it means a ten-minute workout per day. Follow the tips and ideas outlined above to continue exercising and keeping yourself fit.

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